If this website or other correlated registration
websites are not accepting credit cards or not working, for any reason, and a payment needs to be made, there
are several alternative ways to do so.
* 1st Way: Send payment to registrar[at]nafutsal.org or treasurer[at]nafutsal.org via PayPal (changing “[at]” to “@”. The name Celia Schmidt and/or phone ext. 2074 may appear during this method.)
* 2nd Way: Send payment to @registrarNafutsalOrg via Venmo. (The name Celia Schmidt and/or phone ext. 2074 may appear during this method.)
* 3rd Way: Send payment to $registrarNafutsalOrg via Cash App. (The name Celia Schmidt and/or phone ext. 2074 may appear during this method.)
* 4th Way: Call League President to pay with credit card over the
phone: (two five six) 651 – 8191 or email registrar[at]nafutsal.com (changing “[at]” to “@”) your desire to pay with a debit or credit card
* 5th Way: Mail payment (personal check, bank check, money order – NOT CASH) to North Alabama FUTSAL,
P.O. Box 6882, Huntsville, AL 35813.
* 6th Way: Arrange to meet an officer of North Alabama FUTSAL to tender your payment. Email registrar[at]nafutsal.com (changing “[at]” to “@”) or other contact point listed on the Contact-Us webpage to arrange such.
Thanks for your tenacity in completing registration and paying of fees.